Top Tips for IMT Interviews

With IMT interviews fast approaching, we have partnered with Optimise Interviews to publish free resources for anyone who has interviews upcoming! They have provided the below videos and article for Mind the Bleep users. This resource contains top tips for the IMT interviews, delivered by past candidates who excelled at each station within the interview.

They have also provided a discount code unique to Mind the Bleep which you can access through our discounts page.

Top Tips

The IMT interview process is a challenging obstacle to career progression for any trainee. We have seen applicants with peer-reviewed research, med school toppers, FY3s who’ve done incredible Fellowships fumble because they don’t understand what the interview process is truly assessing.

Competencies in clinical and ethical principles, and effective communication skills are a minimum with 4/5 scores required pretty much across the board. The videos attached share some top tips from top-ranking 2023/2024 candidates and the full video bank of all tips, experiences and advice can be found at

While preparing for the interview:

  • Prepare a comprehensive, up-to-date CV- this is a great starting point.
  • Arrange all your achievements hierarchically, including quality improvement projects, teaching sessions, publications, and leadership roles. Identify your top 3- that you don’t want to leave the Portfolio station without mentioning 
  • Read the IMT curriculum and what is expected of trainees and how you can talk positively about the bits you are looking forward to the most (with examples that are specific to you!)

When preparing your 2-minute presentation:

  • Reflect on your motivation for pursuing IMT (not the specialty you want to go on to do afterwards alone).
  • Demonstrate insight into the responsibilities and how you’ve had exposure to the clinical work already.
  • Highlight any unique clinical experiences that distinguish you from other candidates.
  • Think about how your academic and non-clinical achievements tie to the IMT person specification.

General Interview Preparation Strategies:

  • Revise clinical knowledge early, even before invitations are confirmed. Remember this isn’t MRCP- don’t worry about the weird and wonderful.
  • Practice speaking answers aloud to ensure a clear, concise, and confident delivery.
  • Work with peers or study groups to receive constructive feedback and fresh perspectives.

These steps are the starting point and we go through all the practical things you should implement before the big day. Don’t let any single or small group of seniors convince you their way is the only way. Everyone is different and you have to play to your strengths. On the January 11th Course we help you identify your personal interview strategy and go through each station in detail before assessing you through a full mock circuit. 

Enjoy these videos and all the very best!

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