We’ve created a pay calculator to help you better understand your salary, how much tax you’ll pay, student loans & contributions to NHS pensions.
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- Ensure you claim tax relief on things like GMC, BMA, Medical Indemnity and exams. Many don’t realise they could claim hundreds back!
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- Doctor’s Pay Check offers salary analysis software to identify errors in the calculation of your annual salary, along with software to check your uplift and back payment amounts – MTB20 gets you 20% off a subscription
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Resident Doctor’s Pay Calculator
Our calculator below was last updated in December 2024 to include England, Northern Ireland, Scotland & Wales for all grades (FY1, FY2, SHOs, Core Training & Specialist Registrars). It reflects the pay uplifts and changes to tax, pensions and other deductions. To check old payslips, manually adjust the basic salary amount. This can be found on the NHS Employers website on the Pay Circular.
As many external factors impact your pay and tax, our calculator won’t be 100% accurate and shouldn’t be used to make any financial decisions.
Comment below or email us if you spot any errors or have suggestions!
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76 thoughts on “Resident Doctor’s Pay Calculator 2024”
This is generally really good.
A few things that could be added
– flexible Pay premia for hard to fill specialties
– Different plans for student loans, I’m on plan 4 but work in England.
Just noticed there is flexible pay premia – sorry !
Will add this! (The plan 4 etc.)
FYI i could be wrong but i think the monthly contribution to an NHS pension is not taxable income.
I.e. if you are paying into a pension scheme this calculator will overestimate the amount of income tax you are paying and underestimate your take home pay,
You’re right. Thanks, that’s fixed!
Could we add an hourly average before tax as well as after? Would be more useful for comparison to other professions etc.
Of course. I’ll need to think about where I place this. For now, easy to calculate by dividing the wage by the number of hours you work.
Would be great to add Post grad loan as well as many people are paying off more than one at the same time!
I will do this but it will take some time as it is quite complicated.
I’ve added an option for multiple loans 🙂
This is really helpful, but it doesn’t allow for multiple student loan plans that graduate entry medics might be on, or a decimal point figure for any of the hour values.
Thanks for all your hard work 🙂
Thank you! I’ve added in decimals for the hour values. Multiple student loans are far more challenging – this will take me a lot more time!
I’ve added an option for multiple loans 🙂
Thank you for this, it’s really helpful!
Do you have a spreadsheet version of this so I can customise it more accurately for my own situation?
I’m glad it’s helpful. We don’t have a spreadsheet version as it is in-built, but if you tell us how you need it customised we can help!
It would be great if this could be updated to account for the new NI threshold. Fantastic resource though, thank you
I’m impressed with the speed at which you picked this up given it only came into action today! Updated with the increase of the Primary Threshold from £190 to £242 per week. Please do let me know if anything else changes 🙂
Thanks for this! Would be good if there was an equivalent for people training in Scotland on the old contract
Thank you! It’s in the works but it’ll take time to code once I get a free day!
This is so helpful! Thank you. Trying to tent a house as moving to new region..still no work schedule (sigh!) and need to actually at least have ballpark figure of my salary to quote to estate agents! Phew.
Would be helpful to have explainers eg. What counts for 37% uplift (nights starting from 8pm onwards, all hours of shift, I think?). Also for incorporating on calls – I wasn’t sure how to put in weekend hours – in addition to which band. Do I work out the average total hours including main hours plus weekly evening shift and then figure out weekend hours and average them across a number of weeks (1 in 5) to add to total?
Maths really isn’t my strong point 😛
Impressed with speedy change for NI threshold.
Heads up re LTFT pension changes starting till later in yr. Maybe also complicated but will no longer taken based on full timers as salary.
Thanks, Em for your comments! For the 37% uplift this is detailed in the link to the Junior Doctor Contract (we’ve tried to keep it brief to make it less overwhelming – this is in Schedule 2 16-18 which explains it much better. As a brief summary: the 37% enhancement applies to any hours between 9pm & 7am with the entire shift being included if it starts at 8pm and lasts 8 hours or starts before 4am. Your exact hours should be detailed in your work schedule as it’s the average hours across the rota for which you’re paid rather than anyone’s individual rota.
If you include a link re: the LFTT pension changes, I can adapt the calculator accordingly!
Hi! Would it be possible to adapt this for those working in SCO? Really cool calculator though!
It’s in the works 🙂
Can you tell me what’s the pay for non resident on call for weekends? Is it just 8% of basic pay regardless of the number of weekends you do?
Also in terms of hours attract 37% enhancement, do these apply for non resident on call?
Exactly that – 8% regardless of hours worked therefore the 37% enhancement does not apply. Here it is on the BMA site.
Very helpful.
could you please also include 0 weekend option in dropdown for those not doing any?
That’ll be less than 1 in 8 which includes doing none!
Thank you very helpful pay calculator! Keep up the good work 👏
Thank you so much!
Thank you, Dr! Really useful. For an even more accurate calculation, adding the banding system would help. For instance, if you are working >40h, mostly unsocial hours, your pay can be 1.5x higher or even 1.8x higher than the basic salary.
This is based on England where banding isn’t used – but we’re hoping to add it in soon for our colleagues elsewhere or on other contracts where banding does apply!
I am not sure this calculator is calculating LTFT annual wage correctly – it is simply multiplying the full time wage by LTFT percentage without taking into account actual hours worked. For example, I am ‘60%’ but my average weekly hours work out at 27.5 per week which is a little more than 60% per week. So my annual basic salary is 27.5/40 x FT salary which in this case (I am ST7) would lead to a basic salary of £40,148.93. Your calculator is producing £35,038 which would be correct for an exact 60% per cent rota if the full time rota for that job is exactly 40 hours. As you know, most full time jobs in secondary care usually push up towards 48 hours. LTFT jobs and hours are pro rata according to the full time rota for that department (not exceeding 40 hours obviously). Therefore, your calculator needs to use the figure in the hours worked box to calculate an annual basic salary.
Hope this makes sense
Thank you this was super helpful. I’ve redesigned the calculator to address this. Would you mind taking a look to see if it has worked?
Hi, is this still up to date?
Trying to work out deductions for the 23/24 year based on an ACCS-EM ST1 salary of 40257.
My understanding is that student loan deduction on plan 2 is 9% of the salary over £2274, however that’s not the result I’m getting from the calculator – could you advise?
Yes it’s all updated for 2023! Should all be fixed 🙂
Hi there,
When I add the Plan 2 SFE repayment to the calculator it remains as zero deduction? I tried this with all the other SFE Plan, with no change to the other settings and they work – just seems the Plan 2 by itself doesn’t work. Overall though very nice calculator especially as about to start work in the next month!
Sorted! Thank you 🙂
Would be helpful to add the ability to put decimal figures for hours per week and enhanced hours boxes as a lot of contracts don’t work out to whole numbers for these
I can’t seem to see the calculator on the web page as it only comes up with the text.
Is this a bug with my laptop as I’ve tried it with a couple browsers?
Sorry about that. It is fixed now!
My payslip does not mention the exacts number of hours that attract the 37% enhancement. However there is a monthly payment of £133.34. Is there a way to include this in the calculations?
You’ll find the exact number of hours in the work schedule. Alternatively, put the amount in extra income – but this won’t be as accurate.
The NHS pension option makes no difference to my take home pay or breakdown when I toggle it.
That’s fixed!
Is the new “uplift” of 6% +1.25k going to be added to the calculator?
Yes it will be as soon as it’s common place. You can manually add it by adjusting the basic salary by +6% followed by +£1250.
Thank you foe the work. Very useful.
Feedback: Flexible pay premia for psychiatry has changed since the 6% increase. Based on the BMA pay scale circular, it should be 3,941 GBP for core trainees.
Thank you! All amended 🙂
This is a great calculator, it’s spot on when compared to my work schedule and really useful for predicting take home pay (I’m in England).
Could I suggest that when you use the ’email me a copy’ button, the calculator doesn’t reset to normal values? It would make it easier if you’re using it to model a few different scenarios and want to email yourself a copy each time you change a variable. Thanks!
Thank you! I’m glad it’s working perfectly 🙂 Unfortunately the application doesn’t allow for values to persist – I’ve tried editing but it just doesn’t allow that function. I’m sorry!
Thank you so much for your hard work creating this amazing, free resource.
That’s so kind of you! Thank you so much!
Sorry if this is a silly question, do we not get paid extra for working after 17:00 but before 21:00. I always assumed so but maybe not!
Assuming you’re asking about England, enhanced rates are only after 9pm.
Thanks for your hard work – this is really helpful. Just a small thing – NHS pension contribution bands have changed – £49,079 to £62,924 now contribute 10.7%
Updated for the new NHS contribution bands!
Fantastic Calculator thank you so much. Would it be possible to add a feature so that salary sacrifice can be factored in? I.e. deductions from gross income (and therefore exempt from tax, NI, and pension) as opposed to net such as the current feature. This would be helpful for things like cycle to work and other salary sacrifice schemes being offered.
Great idea! This has been added to the latest version 🙂
Hi thanks for this great tool. Will it be updated to incorporate the new 22.3% pay rise of 2024?
Yes, the calculator will be updated with whatever pay lift is agreed.
Absolutely fantastic resource, thank you!
Just a small correction – I think the latest update isn’t incorporating the pension contributions (bands as of April 2024) even when the option is chosen
My pleasure! It works now 🙂
Is there a calculator that estimates the pay to include the government’s latest offer to the BMA?
Yes this calculator is updated for this. Select England “Pay Offer” under where you work.
Thank you, this is excellent. Really grateful to you for putting this together. And maintaining it!
That’s so kind of you to say! My absolute pleasure 🙂
Hi, thanks so much for this very useful tool! I have noticed that the income tax and NI contributions are slightly higher than my pay check (same tax code) but the student finance contribution is slightly lower than what I have. Overall the pay calculator says I should take home about £200 less per month than I do. I wonder if this is something to do with the student finance being calculated post tax rather than pre? Or possibly tax percentages being outdated?
Thanks for this comment! I missed that they had updated the figures for how much contributions you make & had calculated it post pensions rather than pre. It should now be accurate if you wouldn’t mind checking? If not, let me know what’s off and I’ll take a relook or even better,
if you’re able to share your payslip & work schedule details I can check where the errors lie ([email protected]). Thank you!
Hi! Thank you for this website.
I’ve noticed that there are only England salaries, and I’m wondering if you could add salaries even of other regions besides England, eg. Scotland.
Thank you!
These are all listed in the calculator.
How do I remove student loan from the calculator?
You can just untick it
Hi thanks for this. Trying to see why it doesn’t match my pay slip…The histopath pay premium is £4729 for 2024 so the calculator is a bit high? Says £5,485.76. Does the LTFT £1000 per year get added automatically if you type less than 40 hours in the average work schedule box? Thank you
Thanks for your comment! Yes the £1000 gets automatic on added if you select that you’re LTFT. The updated premium for histopath trainees is 5216 – https://www.nhsemployers.org/system/files/2024-09/Pay-and-Conditions-Circular-MD-5-2024-R.pdf