Plastic Surgery Articles

Pressure Ulcer Illustration
Pressure Ulcer Management
Pressure ulcers, also known as bedsores, are a unique subset of wounds caused by...
Upper Limb Arterial and Nerve Injuries: An Introductory Guide
Adult Trauma Life Support (ATLS) is the gold standard for managing trauma-related...
Chemical Burns
Chemical burns are a unique subset of burns that require specialised management due...
Animal Bites
Introduction Patients regularly present to the emergency department with animal...
Infective Flexor Tensosynovitis (Flexor Sheath Infection)
Introduction Flexor sheath infection is an infection of the synovial sheath surrounding...
Plastic Surgery
A Career in Plastic Surgery
If you ask most people (medics included!) what they think of when you say plastic...
Pretibial Laceration Illustration
Pretibial Lacerations
Pretibial lacerations are common injuries, especially among older adults, because...

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