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and everything else you need to know about them!
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Skin cancers have one of the highest global incidences of any type of cancer. Early diagnosis and management of melanoma can be life-saving. Resident doctors are in a position to spot...
Medicines reconciliation is the process of accurately listing a person’s medicines. This often takes place when they’re admitted into a service and is an important day to day...
Foreign body in eye is a very common presentation seen in the emergency department. Patients often complain of a foreign body sensation in the eye and pain on eye movement or on blinking....
In the intensive care unit, junior medical staff conduct and present daily reviews of their patients to seniors to guide the planning of care on the ward round.This may well seem daunting...
Constipation is a very common cause of abdominal pain and recurrent presentations to paediatric services. It can be difficult to manage and it is important to rule out underlying causes....
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Constipation is one of the most common complaints in hospital, especially on the geriatric wards.Failure to treat constipation can lead to longer hospital stays and increased morbidity.
RCEMÂ has published some clear and comprehensive information which is well worth a read. Below we include a very quick summary as a refresher.
Impaired cardiac function...
Here’s a list of apps that are in order of how essential we find them. There’s probably more out there so drop us a comment if you have any suggestions to add!
Handover occurs between shifts to ensure everyone is up to speed with patients. The exact nature of how it occurs varies greatly by hospital & specialty. E.g. in paediatrics or...
When assessing pain, ensure you begin by taking a history to characterise the pain as neuropathic pain, inflammatory pain and oncological pain all respond to different analgesia. SOCRATES...
There are certain situations where you need to prescribe IV fluids which vary from fluid resuscitation to maintenance fluids if a patient is nil-by-mouth (NBM) (e.g. pre-operatively,...
As an F1, you will quite frequently get bleeped to review a patient who has had a fall on the ward, particularly if you are working late evening/nights. Falls in hospital can be anything...
Sepsis is an infection with evidence of organ dysfunction. Septic shock is when a patient with sepsis is hypotensive despite appropriate fluid resuscitation.
You are unlikely to be expected to make decisions about long term asthma management, therefore focus your efforts on learning how to deal with acute exacerbations.
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