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Psychotropic medication
Psychotropic medication
Psychotropic medication includes some of the most commonly prescribed medication in the the world. This article will cover the types of medication you will tend to encounter, important...
Floppy Baby
Assessing the floppy baby
A "floppy" baby may present in many different ways and there is a long list of differentials for a baby with reduced tone. This article will you refine your diagnostic skills when it...
Ophthalmology Applications
Ophthalmology Applications: How To Get Ahead While Still at Medical School
Ophthalmology is a hugely popular career. Having the skills and ability to improve a patient’s quality of life by restoring their eyesight is undeniably a rewarding vocation. Other...
Swollen Joint
Acutely Swollen Joint
There are three joint pain calls you might receive whilst you’re on call or on the wards. We have split them into three articles (with links below) allowing us to expand appropriately...
Mental Health 1
Psychosis refers to patients suffering a loss of contact with reality. It affects 3 out of 100 people in their lifetime. Psychosis is a constellation of symptoms and signs rather than...
The UK Medicines Information group have provided excellent guidance on how to replace magnesium.Useful advice on treatment: Clinical features Usually asymptomatic Irritability...

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Prescribing analgesia
Prescribing analgesia
When assessing pain, ensure you begin by taking a history to characterise the pain as neuropathic pain, inflammatory pain and oncological pain all respond to different analgesia. SOCRATES...
IV fluids
Prescribing IV Fluids
There are certain situations where you need to prescribe IV fluids which vary from fluid resuscitation to maintenance fluids if a patient is nil-by-mouth (NBM) (e.g. pre-operatively,...
As an F1, you will quite frequently get bleeped to review a patient who has had a fall on the ward, particularly if you are working late evening/nights. Falls in hospital can be anything...
Sepsis is an infection with evidence of organ dysfunction. Septic shock is when a patient with sepsis is hypotensive despite appropriate fluid resuscitation. Introduction One...
Acute Asthma
You are unlikely to be expected to make decisions about long term asthma management, therefore focus your efforts on learning how to deal with acute exacerbations. Brief history If...
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