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Acute headache is a common complaint that you’ll see whilst on the wards or in the acute take. Although most causes of headaches are completely benign, the scope article is to...
Many of us have only heard of appraisals happening in the corporate or in the IT sectors. Here in the NHS, appraisals are done annually for all doctors.
What is an appraisal?
The FRCOphth (Fellowship of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists) Part 1 exam is a significant milestone for those pursuing a career in ophthalmology. The incentive of doing the exam...
In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to set up local, regional and national teaching programmes with top tips we’ve learnt over the last several years of running programmes...
Most of the time, chest pain in children originates from a benign cause. However, paediatric chest pain can be a sign of serious pathology, particularly cardiac. It is important that,...
In the webinar below, Dr Henry de Boer (radiology registrar) provides a structured approach to CT abdomen & pelvis interpretation, with an overview of common cases & pitfal...
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Non-invasive ventilation is a way of providing ventilatory support to patients in respiratory failure without using an invasive airway device (e.g. ET tube or tracheostomy tube).
As an FY1, you are unlikely to be expected to make decisions about long term COPD management therefore focus your efforts on learning how to deal with acute exacerbations.
As a resident doctor, you will have face situations where you have to convey potentially distressing information, whether it is explaining a diagnosis or blood results to a patient...
Welcome to FY1. In your first few months, you will find your learning curve is steep and you may feel out of your depth and lost. This is normal-you will develop skills in your first...
As the FY1, you will see patients with liver dysfunction either on the take or deranged LFTs when you are reviewing bloods. A focused approach can save you time & help you find...
Epistaxis is a common presentation, especially amongst the young and elderly population. Knowing the basic management, red flags, and when to escalate is important particularly in acute...
Audits & QIPs are a way to identify issues, drive changes and assess the effects they have. It is your way of making improvements in your workplace, where you can assess the impact...
These patients have the potential to become haemodynamically unstable extremely quickly; try to avoid delays in reviewing them. In-hospital mortality is around 10%. If they are unwell...
A very quick guide to common issues prompting referrals to maxillofacial surgery (aka MaxFax and OMFS)
This is a surgical speciality relating to the hard and soft tissues of the head...
I’m going to try and be as generic as possible so that hopefully these tips work across different specialities and settings for both in & out of hours. Over time you will find what...