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Acute headache is a common complaint that you’ll see whilst on the wards or in the acute take. Although most causes of headaches are completely benign, the scope article is to...
Many of us have only heard of appraisals happening in the corporate or in the IT sectors. Here in the NHS, appraisals are done annually for all doctors.
What is an appraisal?
In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to set up local, regional and national teaching programmes with top tips we’ve learnt over the last several years of running programmes...
Most of the time, chest pain in children originates from a benign cause. However, paediatric chest pain can be a sign of serious pathology, particularly cardiac. It is important that,...
In the webinar below, Dr Henry de Boer (radiology registrar) provides a structured approach to CT abdomen & pelvis interpretation, with an overview of common cases & pitfal...
Medicines reconciliation is the process of accurately listing a person’s medicines. This often takes place when they’re admitted into a service and is an important day to day...
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It takes time to get used to the ward round. Particularly, when patients are being seen so fast it seems impossible to document properly. The most important tip is to ask your colleagues...
Hyperglycaemia is something you will encounter frequently. In this article, we focus on how to approach hyperglycaemia and identify diabetic emergencies. If your patient is ketotic...
It is important for resident doctors to understand what the discharge planning process involves so you can have an active role in multidisciplinary team meetings. This article focuses...
What is frailty?
A state of increased vulnerability to poor resolution of homeostasis after a stressor event. British Geriatrics Society
In simple terms, frail patients lack physiological...
In this article, we will look at more practical aspects of how to read an ABG and treatment following your interpretation. If you’re looking on how to perform an ABG, read this...
As a resident doctor, you will often be called about patients with raised blood pressure (BP) in secondary care. This differs from chronic hypertension in primary care for which the...
There are three joint pain calls you might receive whilst you’re on call or on the wards. We have split them into three articles (with links below) allowing us to expand appropriately...
There are three joint pain calls you might receive whilst you’re on call or on the wards. We have split them into three articles (with links below) allowing us to expand appropriately...
In this article, we cover the assessment and management of back pain. This article forms part of a series on different types of joint pain presentations:
Reported multiple or chronic...
Covid-19 is taking a huge emotional toll on everyone. The usual work-life balance tips don’t work as well when you can’t go out and everyone’s emotions are...