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Medical Articles
What is a Letter to the Editor?
A letter to the editor in a medical journal...
Skin cancers have one of the highest global incidences of any type of cancer. Early...
In the intensive care unit, junior medical staff conduct and present daily reviews...
Alongside strengthening bone, calcium is used in the clotting cascade, in muscle...
As a foundation doctor, caring for patients who deteriorate rapidly and/or are critically...
There are three joint pain calls you might receive whilst you’re on call or...
Bronchiectasis is a chronic respiratory condition characterised by the irreversible...
In the webinar below, Dr Sam Kular (interventional radiology fellow) provides a structured...
So you’ve finally got your rota for your hotly anticipated renal rotation… and your...
Functional neurological disorders are some of the most common neurological...
Myocarditis (derived from ‘myocardium’ = cardiac muscle, and -itis = inflammation)...
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines adverse drug reactions (ADR) as “any...
You will frequently get calls regarding nausea & vomiting: many patients present...
Dermatology is a fascinating specialty with over 2,000 skin, hair, and...
Choosing a career in Sports and Exercise Medicine (SEM) offers doctors a unique opportunity...
In the webinar below, Dr Dexter Valencia (interventional radiology registrar) provides...
The word cardiomyopathy is used as a general term referring to the abnormal structure...
Although as an FY1/2 you wouldn’t be expected to insert a chest drain yourself but...
Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is the third most common dementia across all age groups...
Skin cancer is usually categorised as melanoma or nonmelanoma skin cancer, the latter...
With IMT interviews fast approaching, we have partnered with Optimise Interviews...
A lot of your time as an FY1 will be spent on the phone to various other specialities....
Malaria is a tropical protozoal infection caused by the Plasmodium parasite,...
With IMT interviews fast approaching, we have partnered with Optimise Interviews...
Paracetamol overdose is a common presentation in A&E and so you may often find...
Almost every patient admitted to hospital receives IV fluids at some point in their...
You may well be asked to take blood from a PICC line or be called to see a patient...
As a doctor, you will frequently be called for a drowsy patient. They can vary from...
A blood film looks at our three cell types (erythrocytes, leukocytes & platelets)...
Dermatology is a vast topic that resident doctors often find daunting. Do read our...
The advantages of AXRs are far less radiation to patients & that they’re...
Requesting scans can be a scary daily occurrence for new doctors. It is one of few...
Hyperglycaemia is something you will encounter frequently. In this article, we focus...
The electrocardiogram (ECG) is one of the most common, and important, investigations...
The Multiple Specialty Recruitment Assessment (MSRA) is a computer-based exam increasingly...
Scenario: You are bleeped by one of the staff nurses to review a patient on the orthopaedic...
Constipation is one of the most common complaints in hospital, especially on the...
Hyponatraemia (serum Sodium <135 mmol/L) is one of the most common electrolyte...
As an F1, you will quite frequently get bleeped to review a patient who has had a...
When assessing pain, ensure you begin by taking a history to characterise the pain...
It is important for resident doctors to understand what the discharge planning process...
Management of low blood sugar in conscious & unconscious patients, finding common...
As the FY1, you will see patients with liver dysfunction either on the take or deranged...
AKI is very common affecting around 20% of inpatients & it is important to recognise...
For new doctors, prescribing anticoagulants can be daunting. A few simple rules can...
As a resident doctor, you will also often assess patients complaining of chest pain...
As an FY1, you will be called to review patients who are hypoxic. Here we will discuss...
Sutures are placed to aid with wound healing following a traumatic laceration or...
AF is the most common sustained cardiac arrhythmia you will encounter. In this article,...
In this article, we’ll cover the treatments used in Diabetes Mellitus. We’ll...
Acute confusion, otherwise known as delirium, is very common in hospitals: 20-30%...
Ascitic aspiration (tap) is routinely performed for every patient admitted with ascites...
Heart Failure is not a diagnosis in itself, rather a collection of symptoms that...
RCEMÂ has published some clear and comprehensive information which is well worth a...
Sepsis is an infection with evidence of organ dysfunction. Septic shock is when a...
You will regularly see patients with blood in their urine, most often picked up incidentally...
NG tubes are passed from the nose to the stomach. Depending on the material, they...
Whilst on call or in A&E you may be asked to assess somebody who is suspected...
A brief guide to help you distinguish between inflammatory and non-inflammatory arthritis...
As an FY1 you should not be expected to make decisions regarding treatment escalation...
Tachyarrhythmias are abnormal heart rhythms with a pulse rate of >100 beats per...
The MRCP part 2 exam is a multiple choice, best-of-five written exam with 2, 3 hour...
It is quite common for you to need to describe rashes for documentation purposes,...
Dying is a natural process and unfortunately, something that we all come across in...
These patients have the potential to become haemodynamically unstable extremely quickly;...
Non-invasive ventilation is a way of providing ventilatory support to patients in...
As an FY1, you are unlikely to be expected to make decisions about long term COPD...
In this article, we give an overview of the most important and serious haematological...
A CNS infection is one that involves the central nervous system in some way. This...
Fragility fractures in the elderly
As a resident doctor on call, in geriatrics...
Bradyarrhythmias are abnormal heart rhythms with a pulse rate of <60 beats per...
You will likely encounter an opiate overdose due to the prevalence of opiates for...
A pneumothorax is defined as the abnormal collection of air between the visceral...
An arterial blood gas (ABG) test is performed to measure the oxygen and carbon dioxide...
You are unlikely to be expected to make decisions about long term asthma management,...
In this article, we will focus on more practical concerns when managing a patient...
A pulmonary embolism (PE) is a blocked blood vessel in your lungs, most often due...
Hypophosphatemia is a serum phosphate concentration < 2.5 mg/dL (0.81...
Diarrhoea is a very common complaint and may be the reason for a patient’s admission,...
COVID-19 aside, international travel is easier and more prevalent than ever before,...
Palpitations can be described as the sensation of an abnormally received heartbeat....
In this article, we will go through the three most common scenarios you will encounter....
From the Greek: Syn: together & kopein: to cut - referring to a block in blood supply...
Perhaps the most common blood test you will review daily will be the FBC (full blood...
Please read an overview of the management of sepsis before reading this article.
Hypernatraemia is defined as a sodium above 145 mmol/L with severe being more than...
In this article, we will present several common scenarios involving Parkinson’s disease...
When you are on call, you will often get a bleep about a patient with abdominal pain....
Patients with liver disease are common in the UK. Since 1970, mortality...
As a foundation doctor, shortness of breath is one of the commonest symptoms you...
As a resident doctor, it is your statutory duty as a medical professional to alert...
Introduction: Diabetic foot ulcerations are a significant complication of diabetes...
As a resident doctor, you will often be called about patients with raised blood pressure...
Vertigo is described as an “abnormal sensation of motion. It can occur in the absence...
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) refers to a relapsing and remitting inflammatory...
Suddenly stopping alcohol intake in patients who have been drinking heavily for prolonged...
Patients may live or be discharged to a wide variety of social care settings and...
Understanding how to do an LP and interpret the results is an essential skill for...
A lumbar puncture uses a fine needle inserted between the vertebrae in the lower...
What is frailty?
A state of increased vulnerability to poor resolution of homeostasis...
Spinal cord compression occurs when there is compression of the spinal cord or cauda...
Pancreatitis is a condition characterised by the inflammation of the pancreas. These...
IMT is an exciting and challenging training programme which will certainly make you...
Within Geriatric Medicine you are always working as part of a multidisciplinary team...
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) in adults are extremely common in both primary and...
A deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a condition in which a blood clot (thrombosis) forms...
As an FY1 in hospital, you will come across lots of patients with dementia. They...
Serum calcium concentration is tightly regulated between 2.1-2.6mmol/L. Severe hypercalcaemia...
Infective endocarditis (IE) is relatively rare in the UK. However, delays in diagnosis...
Nutrition is an important aspect of a patient’s health and is overlooked during medical...
In this article, we cover the assessment and management of back pain. This article...
PEG tubes are used as long term feeding options (and medication administration) for...
As a junior, you will frequently see patients who potentially have thyroid dysfunction....
Loss of vision can be a scary symptom for patients to experience, and a scary presentation...
Defined as a collection of electrolyte abnormalities associated with a massive intracellular...
There is an increasing prevalence of end-stage kidney disease and it is therefore...
In whichever specialty you work, you will encounter large numbers of patients with...
There are three joint pain calls you might receive whilst you’re on call or...
Acute headache is a common complaint that you’ll see whilst on the wards or...
SVC syndrome is an oncological emergency. There is obstruction of the superior vena...
This article covers common gastroenterological presenting complaints...
In people over the age of 65 years, 1 in 11 will have a diagnosis of dementia. Dementia...
Chronic pancreatitis is characterised by repeated pancreatic inflammation. This leads...
Cortisol is the body’s natural steroid (glucocorticoid) which helps maintain blood...
In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to set up local, regional and national...
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a species of lentivirus that can infect humans...
Sickle cell diseases are a disorder of haemoglobin affecting red blood cells. This...
In the webinar below, Dr Henry de Boer (radiology registrar) provides a structured...