Medical School Rep
Mind the Bleep is an award-winning medical education platform for UK doctors with over 80,000 monthly users.Â
We’re recruiting reps for every UK medical school to help us develop our final year content.Â

Why apply?
Join our national award-winning team & have input on the content we create
Develop leadership skills through a regional role
Develop skills in organising & promoting large, national & international events.
Opportunities to develop education projects & join national team
What does the role involve?
Your core role is to promote relevant content & obtain feedback to guide our content in your medical school
Promote relevant content via societies & social media
Gather feedback from your peers to shape our content
Meet other reps working together to develop skills
Optionally organise local educational projects
Apply to become a Medical School Rep
This role will enhance your CV and portfolio providing you with a greater chance when applying to competitive specialities, future committee roles and academic posts. We look forward to your application!