Medical Podcasts that are worth a listen!

We asked on social media what your favourite podcasts were & these were rated the most popular. Comment below if you have any other favourite podcasts we’ve missed!

RCP Medicine

RCP Medicine

Buzzsprout, Soundcloud, Spotify

A weekly discussion of different topics relevant to physicians and physician associates



Apple, Spotify, Stitcher

Marital tour of misguided medicine as they discuss the weird, gross, and sometimes downright dangerous ways we tried to solve our medical woes through the ages

Resus Room

Resus Room

Main. Spotify, Apple

Emergency Medicine podcasts based on evidence-based medicine focussed on practice in and around the resus room.

Behind the Knife

Behind the Knife

Main, Spotify, Apple

Behind the scenes look at the interesting, controversial and humanistic side of surgery from some of the giants in the field

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Sharp Scratch

BMJ, Spotify, Apple

From the BMJ: Expert guests discuss all the things you need to know to be a good doctor, but that medical school doesn’t teach you.



Main, Spotify, Apple

The evidence base, recent advances and established best practice & wisdom in healthcare for older adults


The Curbsiders

Main, Spotify, Apple

US podcast on Internal Medicine with clinical pearls, practice-changing knowledge and bad puns

EM Cases 2

EM Cases

Main, Spotify, Apple

Canadian podcast with discussions on practical practice-changing EM topics

EM Crit

EM Crit

Main, Spotify, Apple

All things related to the crashing, critically ill patient in the Emergency Department

Other Popular Podcasts

  • Medics Money: The latest financial information for doctors
  • PodDoc: Short podcasts covering a range of medical & surgical specialties

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8 thoughts on “Medical Podcasts that are worth a listen!”

  1. Hi
    I recently started a new podcast aimed at doctors and patients, called What Your GP Doesn’t Tell You. It explores not just the medical science, but also the politics and finance behind it. How do we know what data to trust and when should we ask what’s the evidence?

    I’m an award winning medical journalist and my name is Liz Tucker. I am a former BBC producer and I have made films for many of the world’s leading broadcasters, which have aired in more than 100 countries. In each episode I interview a medical leader in their field. So far guests have included Dr Eric Topol, Professor Karol Sikora, Dr Jason Fung, Dr Henry Marsh and Professor Joanna Moncrieff
    Many thanks for reading this.

  2. I’d love you to take a listen to my new podcast aimed at doctors and patients called What Your GP Doesn’t Tell You. It reports not just on the science but on the finance and money that can impact it. And asks what does the medical data actually tell us and why is this often interpreted and presented very differently?

    Guests so far have included cardiologist Dr Eric Topol, oncologist Professor Karol Sikora, psychiatrist Professor Joanna Moncriefff and nephrologist Dr Jason Fung.

    Here’s a link to the episode with Dr Eric Topol:

    Many thanks

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