IELTs vs OET: The Essentials

Choosing between IELTS and OET is an intense conundrum for many Medical students and qualified Healthcare Professionals who plan to practice in the UK. This article aims to shed light on both exams to help you make an informed choice on what’s best for you.

What is IELTS & OET? 

IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System. OET stands for Occupational English Test. Both of these exams aim to test your command of the English Language. This is a requirement for IMGs (International Medical Graduates) who plan to come to the UK to practice, regardless of whether or not they are a British citizen. If you choose to do IELTS as a doctor, you must do the “academic IELTS”, as you would need to take this test to register for the GMC.

Different exam options for the IELTS
This screenshot is from the IELTS website and it shows the options you will have to choose from for your specific needs.
What are the similarities?

There are several similarities between the two exams that should be considered:

  • 4 key language skills are assessed: 
    • Reading 
    • Writing
    • Speaking
    • Listening 
  • All sections will be assessed on the same day
  • Both are graded – it is not simply pass or fail
  • Both are GMC recognised 
What are the differences?
  • IELTS aims to test your overall English skills. 
    • IMGs (Non – British citizens) need to do the “Academic IELTS UKVI”
      • It is required for your VISA
    • IMGs (British citizens) need to do the “Academic IELTS” 
  • OET has been designed specifically for Medical Professionals. For doctors, you must select the option “medicine” as there are categories for other healthcare professionals. 
  • The language used is different for both exams: 
    • IELTS is more academic:
      • Requires more vocabulary on a range of academic subjects
      • There will be more emphasis on writing essays or reports 
      • You may also need to analyse data and write about your findings
    • OET is specifically designed for Medical Professionals:
      • You will need knowledge of specific healthcare-related vocabulary and professional language
      • The test will have clinical scenarios, medical texts and medical conversations. 
      • You will need to write a referral letter (expected of you as a doctor) 
  • IELTS is recognised all over the world whereas OET is recognised only in limited locations around the world. 
What else should I consider?

OET is more expensive than IELTS. As of writing, OET prices are approximately £329, whereas IELTS prices are approximately £175 – £195 (depending on the location of booking).

Top tip: factor in the prices for course materials too. These materials can be expensive, therefore, it would an important consideration to make in order to come to an informed decision that suits your finances.


OET is a relatively new exam, which means that there aren’t many testing centres which assess OET. It is only available in 40 countries as of writing, with 14 test dates in the entire year. Check if there is a test centre available in your country before making a decision. 

IELTS is a well-established exam, with test centres in over 140 countries and tests being held 4 times a month. This may provide you with far more flexibility when making your decision. 


Every exam becomes more bearable if there are resources available for it. Since OET is relatively new, resources for it pale in comparison to IELTS. 

There are plenty of past papers and learning resources available for IELTS as it has been established for a long time. 

IELTS have many training courses available that you could attend, whereas OET does not have the same number of training courses available. 

For information on how to prepare for these exams, visit their respective website (links attached to the “further information” section.

What are the structures of these exams?
Exam structures of IELTS and OET and how they compare.

NOTE: You need to select the Academic IELTS (UKVI if you are not a British IMG).

What scores do I need?

You require an overall score of 7.5 with a minimum of 7 in all sections. You require this score for the following applications: 

  • GMC registration 
  • PLAB
  • Work Visa (if you are not a British citizen)
  • Non-training jobs
  • Speciality training (training beyond FY2)

For the UK Foundation Programme (FY1 & FY2) & Direct Standalone Programme, you require a minimum of 7.5 in all sections.


You need a minimum score of 350 (or a Grade B) in every section. You require this score for the following applications: 

  • GMC registration 
  • PLAB
  • Work Visa (if you are not a British citizen)
  • Non-training jobs
  • Speciality training (training beyond FY2)

You need a minimum score of 400 for the UK Foundation Programme (FY1 & FY2) & Direct Standalone Programme. 

This shows the scores and what they mean and their equivalence to IELTS scoring.
Credit: OET website. This shows the scores and what they mean and their equivalence to IELTS scoring.
This is a brief table to show how the bands and scores correlate with each other.
This is a brief table to show how the bands and scores correlate with each other.
Further Information
How long should I prepare for?

Time is your friend. Plan out your time to maximise your efficiency but aim to spend around a month preparing. This is subjective and you should plan according to how you work best.

What should I prepare with?

The infographic below will give you an insight into some of the resources commonly used to prepare for IELTS. For OET, check the useful links section below.

Recommended resources for the reading section.
An infographic to show resources you could use for the reading section
Recommended resources for the writing section.
An infographic to show resources you could use for the writing section.
Recommended resources for the listening section.
An infographic to show resources that could be used for the listening section.
Recommended resources for the speaking section.
An infographic to show resources that could be used for the speaking section.
Useful links

IELTS official website:

OET official website:

Virtual Writing Tutor:

IELTS buddy:

IELTS online tests:


OET 50 Writing tasks:

OET Start for Success Package (paid resource bank):

Free OET Masterclasses:



Regardless of which exam you choose to do, remember this: where there is a will, there is a way. Best of luck!

Written by Sandeep Nair, 6th Year Intern, Lead for Mind The Bleep Europe

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