In this article, we give an overview of the most important and serious haematological emergencies that resident doctors should know about!
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Neutropenic sepsis
Case 1:
- 54-year-old woman
- Recent new diagnosis of a high-grade lymphoma
- Received R-CHOP chemotherapy 7 days ago
- Presents to ED with a fever of 38c
What could be going on here? What would your management be?
What is neutropenic sepsis?
- Treatments like R-CHOP are myelosuppressive – patients may become anaemic (low haemoglobin), thrombocytopenic (low platelets), and also neutropenic (low neutrophils)
- The exact definition of neutropenia can vary, however generally moderate neutropenia is defined as a neutrophil count 0.5-1.0 x10^9/L, and severe as <0.5 x10^9/L
- Neutropenic sepsis = neutropenia, plus either a raised temperature (>38c) or clinical signs/symptoms of sepsis
Always have a high degree of suspicion for neutropenic sepsis in neutropenic patients/patients with risk factors for neutropenic sepsis, as the clinical signs aren’t always obvious
We have a separate article all about neutropenic sepsis here
- Neutropenic patients have a weakened immune system, which means they can’t fight off infection as easily
- Infections in these patients are more likely to be bacterial, and more likely to become disseminated – they can become life-threatening much more quickly!
- Patients at risk of this should be counselled – e.g. if they spike a temp, go straight to hospital
It’s important to get antibiotics in quickly (before investigations)! Which antibiotic to use will be trust-dependent
- Usually broad-spectrum e.g. Tazocin
- Plus gram-negative cover e.g. gentamicin
Why gram negative? Neutrophils also have an additional role in maintaining mucosal membranes – which is why neutropenic patients often get issues like oral mucosal ulceration and colitis – the gut mucosa is less protected. Because that barrier between the gut and the rest of the body is not as intact, patients can get ‘bacterial translocation’ – gut bacteria (which are often gram-negative) get into the bloodstream
Do the sepsis 6, and make sure you get all the cultures! Including from any lines e.g. PICC line
- Make sure you do a thorough examination, checking for any sources of infection
- Often you won’t find a clear clinical focus – this is due to a lack of neutrophils, which means you don’t get as much localisation, and infection becomes widespread quickly
- E.g. your patient might not show a focus on CXR, might not have WCC on urine dip
- Also, do Covid PCR and viral screens
When to consider granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF)?
- G-CSF = S/C injection that stimulates granulocytes to increase circulating neutrophil count – to help the body fight off infection
- In this case, it’s a lymphoid malignancy so it is ok to give G-CSF if they are neutropenic (however there are caveats to that, e.g. Hodgkin’s lymphoma)
- In myeloid malignancies e.g. AML it may actually drive the underlying malignancy! Don’t start without asking the chemo/oncology/haematology team
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)
Case 2:
- A 25-year-old woman presents to ED with fever and headache
- FBC shows a platelet count of 15 x 10^9/L
- Lab calls and says that they think they can see schistocytes on the blood film

Schistocytes are literally RBCs that have been sheared in half – multiple causes, including TTP
If TTP is untreated, the mortality rate is 90% within 48 hours
Note – DIC can present similarly, but would also have clotting screen derangement, and usually don’t have such a marked thrombocytopenia
- Lack of ADAMTS13, an enzyme responsible for cleaving large von Willebrand factor (VWF) multimers – usually due to antibodies towards it
- Lack of this enzyme causes large clumps of uncleaved VWF multimer – this clogs up capillaries
- Can clump in the brain, kidneys, heart etc.
- Thrombocytopenia happens due to consumption
- Anaemia – due to the mechanical shearing of red blood cells through the partially occluded vessels
Pentad of features
- Thrombocytopenia
- Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia (MAHA)
- Neurological impairment
- Renal impairment
- Fever
But note – not all patients will have all of these features!
- FBC: Low platelets (usually 10-30), anaemia
- Blood film: Schistocytes
- Haemolysis markers
- Coag screen – normal
- ADAMTS13 assay
- Consider other investigations for underlying causes – e.g. virology, autoimmune screen, ECG
- Start treatment based on history, examination and blood film results
- Plasma exchange (the mainstay of management) – aim to start within 4-8 hours – this replaces ADAMTS13
- Steroids – to stop the production of antibodies to ADAMTS13
- Supportive care
Case 3:
- 27-year-old male
- Presents to ED with fever and bruising
- Hb 92, WCC 1.9 (neutrophils 0.3), platelets 38
- PT 23, APTT 50
- Lab call saying they think they can see blasts on the film

The cell in the middle is packed with Auer rods
Bundles of these rods are pathognomic for a myeloid malignancy
Buttock cells with coagulopathy – classical of acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APML) – this leukaemia is classically associated with DIC
What is APML?
- Incidence of AML is 3-5,000/year, of which 5-10% are APML (highest rates in young adults)
- Generally good prognosis, but this only applies if the patient survives the first few days, as the coagulopathy is the most likely thing to kill them
- APML is caused by the translocation t(15:17) – of retinoids acid receptor alpha
- This stops promyelocytes from differentiating
- Therefore, you treat it with retinoic acid (trans) which allows the cells to replicate
- Blood film
- BMAT (if coagulopathy allows)
- Karyotype
But start treatment based on the morphology on the blood film!
- Immediate: Management of DIC (see below), supportive products e.g. FFP, management of concomitant infection, consider TLS
- All-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) + anthracycline/cytarabine
- OR arsenic trioxide
- Chronic remission is achieved in 80-95% of patients who survive the first 48 hours
Dissemination intravascular coagulation (DIC)
- Increased tissue factor, which causes excess thrombin production
- Can be secondary to many pathologies e.g. sepsis, malignancy, infection, trauma
- Essentially out of control haemostasis
- Consumption of platelets and clotting factors, hyperfibrinolysis causes bleeding
- Consumption of anticoagulants e.g. protein C/S, anti-thrombin, and excess antifibrinolysis – causes thrombosis
Clinical features
- Thrombosis and bleeding
- Microvascular thrombosis can lead to organ failure
- Schistocytes on blood film
- Low platelets
- Reduced fibrinogen
- Increased D Dimer
- Deranged PT
- The main treatment is to treat the underlying cause!!
- If bleeding, then give FFP
Hyperleukocytosis and leukostasis
Case 4:
- 40-year-old woman
- Presents to ED with fever and SOB
- Hb 70, WCC 120, plts 35
- CXR:

Given the very high WCC, you should be worried about leukostasis – here there has been infiltration of WCC into the lungs. This problem is more common in acute leukaemias – blast cells are big sticky cells, which can clump and cause congestion
- Neurological (confusion, CVA)
- Pulmonary (SOB, respiratory alkalosis)
- Cardiac (angina, sometimes MI)
- WBC >100 (but it can occur with a WCC lower than this)
- Signs of tissue hypoxia
- Blood film
- Fluids and leukapheresis (spin off the white cells)
- Then cytoreduction (either chemotherapy or hydroxycarbamide) – brings the white cell count down
- 20-40% mortality within 1 week of presentation – needs urgent treatment!
Tumour lysis syndrome (TLS)
Case 5:
- 60-year-old man – bleeped to review at 0300 following syncopal episode/fall
- Recently started on chemotherapy for bulky DLBCL (diffuse large B cell lymphoma – a high-grade lymphoma)
- Background: CKD, but on repeat bloods, he is noted to have AKI, hyperkalaemia, and hypocalcaemia
- Tachycardic on examination
What is TLS?
- Metabolic syndrome is caused by the breakdown of malignant cells
- When those cells get destroyed (either by auto-lysis or due to chemo), release cellular contents into the circulation
- TLS causes a high burden of uric acid, phosphate, and potassium – can cause arrhythmias etc.
- Uric acid crystals form in the renal tubules, meaning the TLS metabolites can’t be excreted, causing a downwards spiral of acute kidney failure
- It is a fairly rare complication, however, when it does happen it often has severe consequences, a third of patients need dialysis
Risk factors
- High tumour burden
- High-grade tumour
- Existing renal impairment
- Age
- Treatment with highly active, cell cycle-specific agents
- Use of other drugs that increase uric acid levels, e.g. alcohol, thiazides, cisplatin
All patients receiving chemotherapy for haem malignancies should be risk-assessed for TLS. Based on the risk assessment, they may then have prophylactic treatment
- Low risk: Monitoring, regular fluid status evaluation, low threshold for IVI
- Intermediate risk: Offer up to 7 days of allopurinol prophylaxis, along with increased hydration
- High risk: Prophylaxis with rasburicase, plus increased hydration
- Allopurinol: xanthine oxidase inhibitor – prevents uric acid from being formed
- Rasburicase: converts uric acid into allantoin, which is much more soluble than uric acid
- Lab-based – look at uric acid levels, potassium etc.
- High uric acid (≥476 umol/l or 25% increase from baseline)
- High potassium (≥6.0 mmol/l or 25% increase from baseline)
- High phosphorus (≥1.45 mmol/l (adults) or ≥2.1 mmol/l (children) or 25% increase)
- Low calcium (≤1.75 mmol/l or 25% decrease from baseline)
- Clinical – e.g. AKI, cardiac arrhythmia, seizures (poor prognosis)
- Cardiac monitoring
- MDT – involve ICU, haematology, renal
- IV fluid
- Rasburicase
- May need dialysis e.g. if severe hyperkalaemia
Acute chest syndrome
Case 6:
- 19-year-old man with known HbSS (sickle cell disease)
- He is on a regular transfusion programme, hydroxycarbamide and iron chelation therapy, penicillin prophylaxis, and folic acid
- Presents with 1-week history of generalised pain not responding to regular oral analgesia
- In particular, worsening right arm and rib pain
- Afebrile, HR 96, BP 126/82, RR 24, sats 92% room air
- Chest: Some right basal crackles
Initial management
- O2
- Analgesia
- Regular obs
- Urgent bloods including group and save
- Should highlight to the lab that you have a sickle cell patient in – they have a high chance of having allo-antibodies complicating cross-match
- Check renal and liver function, inflammatory markers
Reviewed the patient later:
- Chest pain worsening, sats 80% room air, RR 33
- CXR: Left basal pneumonia and interstitial shadowing
- ABG: pCO2 5.1, pO2 8.1
This is an emergency!
- ACS is an acute illness characterised by fever and/or respiratory symptoms accompanied by a new pulmonary infiltrate on CXR
- Severe hypoxia is a useful predictor of severity and outcome
- Can occur on admission (i.e. present with it), or may develop later on in admission for acute pain
- It can be triggered by PE, fluid overload, opiates, infection
- This can be a LIFE-THREATENING condition, and early recognition of progression to acute respiratory failure is vital
- Up to 20% need ventilation
There is an initial insult – e.g. infection, infarction –> reduced oxygenation –> HbS polymerisation –> decreased pulmonary blood flow that exacerbates vaso-occlusion –> more severe hypoxia
It’s a vicious cycle! Can deteriorate very rapidly
Investigation and management
- All SCD patients with acute pain crisis should have at least 4-hourly obs including sats, daily clinical exam
- CXR, FBC, renal/liver function, blood group, cultures if febrile, ABG, atypical screen, sputum MC&S
- Inform the haematology team, and outreach/ITU teams
- Thromboprophylaxis
- Monitoring, IVI, IV antibiotics, analgesia, chest physio, transfusion if necessary
- Our Mind the Bleep webinar by Dr James Clark on youtube
- DIC, TTP: Haembase
- Neutropenic sepsis: UptoDate, overview of neutropenic fever syndromes
- TLS: BSH guidelines
Written by Dr Sarah Halligan (IMT1)
Webinar and review by Dr James Clark, Haematology SpR
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