Paracetamol overdose is a common presentation in A&E and so you may often find...
The advantages of AXRs are far less radiation to patients & that they’re...
As the FY1, you will see patients with liver dysfunction either on the take or deranged...
Ascitic aspiration (tap) is routinely performed for every patient admitted with ascites...
NG tubes are passed from the nose to the stomach. Depending on the material, they...
These patients have the potential to become haemodynamically unstable extremely quickly;...
Perhaps the most common blood test you will review daily will be the FBC (full blood...
Patients with liver disease are common in the UK. Since 1970, mortality...
When you are on call, you will often get a bleep about a patient with abdominal pain....
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) refers to a relapsing and remitting inflammatory...
Suddenly stopping alcohol intake in patients who have been drinking heavily for prolonged...
Pancreatitis is a condition characterised by the inflammation of the pancreas. These...
Nutrition is an important aspect of a patient’s health and is overlooked during medical...
PEG tubes are used as long term feeding options (and medication administration) for...
Defined as a collection of electrolyte abnormalities associated with a massive intracellular...
This article covers common gastroenterological presenting complaints...
Chronic pancreatitis is characterised by repeated pancreatic inflammation. This leads...
In the webinar below, Dr Henry de Boer (radiology registrar) provides a structured...