Defined as a collection of electrolyte abnormalities associated with a massive intracellular...
The UK Medicines Information group have provided excellent guidance on...
Alongside strengthening bone, calcium is used in the clotting cascade, in muscle...
Almost every patient admitted to hospital receives IV fluids at some point in their...
Hyponatraemia (serum Sodium <135 mmol/L) is one of the most common electrolyte...
Hypophosphatemia is a serum phosphate concentration < 2.5 mg/dL (0.81...
Hyperkalaemia can cause life-threatening emergencies particularly cardiac arrhythmias....
As an FY1 you will frequently see hypokalaemia and most trusts have guidelines that...
Hypernatraemia is defined as a sodium above 145 mmol/L with severe being more than...
Serum calcium concentration is tightly regulated between 2.1-2.6mmol/L. Severe hypercalcaemia...
Nutrition is an important aspect of a patient’s health and is overlooked during medical...