Ultrasound Guided Cannulation Course

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Welcome to the Mind the Bleep Ultrasound Guided Cannulation eLearning.

This online course is designed to give you a basic understanding of the theory behind ultrasound-guided cannulation. It does not replace the need for supervised practical training which must be completed before practising this skill in real life. It is expected that all candidates undertaking this course will already be competent in routine intravenous (IV) cannulation and up to date with their local Trust policy on infection control and sharps injury.

When we perform ultrasound-guided cannulation, we use an ultrasound machine to find a vein which cannot normally be seen or easily palpated. The ultrasound machine is then used to visualise the cannula being placed into the vein in real-time.

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The Sonosite X-Porte is an ultrasound machine commonly used for gaining intravenous access.


This course will consist of four lessons:

  1. Introduction to ultrasound
  2. Equipment, infection control & ergonomics
  3. Anatomy and sonoanatomy of the forearm
  4. Needle technique and visualisation

This will then be followed by an assessment. Candidates who successfully complete the assessment will then receive a certificate which they can upload into their training portfolio.


This module was first produced for Dartford & Gravesham NHS Trust, who have kindly let us adapt it for Mind The Bleep. We would like to thank Andrew Hartopp, Claire Bateman, Richard Price-Whittle and Aimee Homer for all their support and help in the process of making this eModule.

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2 Ratings
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Posted 7 months ago
Beneficial course

Really helped to understand how to use the ultrasound machine to insert the needle under aseptic technique also helped to recognise the vessels ( artery and vein)

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Tsetimi onoriode Victor
Posted 9 months ago

I was having difficulty with Doppler ultrasound before now but after going through this course,I have a good knowledge and understanding of the difference between a vein and artery under ultrasound guided procedure. This course is highly educated

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