Sweet & Salty

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Hi! I’m Dr Akash Doshi – a registrar in Endocrinology & Diabetes. I’ve put this course together to help you understand how to manage common disorders you’ll see on the ward. Treat this as a learning experience with video tutorials & quizzes to improve your confidence.

If anything doesn’t make sense or you need help, please contact me at [email protected]. I am more than happy to answer questions or update the content until every single person enrolled fully understands it! The cost of the course goes towards hosting and website costs. If you have any issues & would like a refund, just let me know 🙂


  • Hypoglycaemia – find the cause & treat it in an unconscious or conscious patient
  • Hyperglycaemia – a step-by-step guide to managing a hyperglycaemic patient including when to avoid stat insulin, how to use a “sliding scale” & how to adjust medications & insulin
  • DKA & HHS – recognise & treat these conditions


  • Hyperkalaemia – practical advice on calcium gluconate & other treatments
  • Hyponatraemia – learn a simpler way to identify the cause & treat it
  • Hypercalcaemia – learn the important questions, interpret investigations & how to treat it

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