In this two part course, we will introduce the basics of using Python and its package TensorFlow to demonstrate the key components of a contemporary image classifier using deep learning (i.e. Artificial Intelligence).
- This course is for complete beginners in Python and AI with a background in health care.
- You will be very carefully guided through using Python to produce a contemporary image classifier using deep learning (i.e. creating artificial intelligence tools) for a healthcare setting.
- Further details will be in Google Colab notebooks for further explanations and exercises to produce your own AI tool!
- At the end of each section, there will be a few multiple choice questions to test your understanding.
You will need:
- A Google/Gmail account for logging into Google Colab to access the notebooks.
- Time: each part of the course has 7 topics and each topic requires 30 minutes to 1 hour to complete.
- Be curious and play around with the code in the notebooks. If you ever become lost and just want a reset, simply come back and re-open the notebook from the exercise link to start afresh.
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