
Communicating with Relatives
Communicating with Relatives
We commonly find ourselves needing to communicate with the next of kin & relatives....
Consenting Children and Adolescents
Paediatrics: Communication & Consent
As an FY1 you will likely manage paediatric patients during their admission, often...
Self Harm
Self Harm
The most common place you will see a patient who has self-harmed is in ED, where...
The impact you have on yourself and the impact you have on people around you Although...
Frequently patients wish to self-discharge from hospitals. This article pertains...
Marbling MTB
Management of the Aggressive Patient
At times as a junior doctor, you will be faced with the management of patients displaying...
Discussing Treatment Escalation & DNAR
Discussing Treatment Escalation & DNAR
As an FY1 you should not be expected to make decisions regarding treatment escalation...
Mental Capacity
Mental Capacity
Mental Capacity is the ability to make your own decisions at the time at which the...
Breaking Bad News
Breaking Bad News
As a junior doctor, you will have face situations where you have to convey potentially...
Difficult Colleagues
Dealing with difficult colleagues
This is a tricky area to cover as it can be challenging to us both personally and...
Clinical recordings and the Correct Consent
In all specialities of medicine patient clinical recordings, whether this is photographs...
Dealing with a complaint
Dealing with a complaint
Everyone will receive a complaint – this is inevitable. Usually, these are...
Understanding Types of Homes
Patients may live or be discharged to a wide variety of social care settings and...

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