Common Jobs

Sharps Injuries
Sharps Injuries
Sharps injuries happen when you least expect them. You can’t always prevent them...
The impact you have on yourself and the impact you have on people around youAlthough...
Referral Cheat Sheet
Referral Cheat Sheet
Our referral cheat sheet is our most popular resource with over 50,000 downloads!...
Audits & Quality Improvement Projects
Audits & Quality Improvement Projects (QIPs)
Audits & QIPs are a way to identify issues, drive changes and assess the effects...
Your e-Portfolio is an online tool to gather and store evidence of progression throughout...
Ward Round
Surviving Ward Rounds
It takes time to get used to the ward round. Particularly, when patients are being...
On Call Tips
On Call Tips
FY1s are usually most apprehensive about being on call, but it is also the shift...
Fluid Balance
Fluid Balance
Almost every patient admitted to hospital receives IV fluids at some point in their...
Medical Education
How to teach medical students
Balancing your workload as a junior doctor whilst teaching medical students effectively...
Essential for FY1
Prepare for FY1 Guide by Specialty
This amazing guide was created by so many amazing doctors like yourself helping each...
Mobile Apps
Essential Apps
Here’s a list of apps that are in order of how essential we find them. There’s...
Frequently patients wish to self-discharge from hospitals. This article pertains...
Microbiology Discussions
Microbiology Discussions
A lot of your time as an FY1 will be spent on the phone to various other specialities....
Clerking Patients
Clerking Patients: A few tips
Here we assume you know the basics, and instead we focus on the common pitfalls with...
Discharge letters
Discharge letters: hints & tips
Writing a discharge summary is a task you are likely to carry out every day, and...
Discharge Planning
Discharge Planning
It is important for junior doctors to understand what the discharge planning process...
Death Verification
Death Verification
As a new F1 in August, it can feel like quite a daunting task to verify a death,...
Reviewing and Requesting Bloods
Reviewing and Requesting Bloods
Here we focus on blood tests requests for a variety of common scenarios you might...
Prioritising Jobs
Prioritising Jobs
I’m going to try and be as generic as possible so that hopefully these tips work...
Pre & Post Operative Care
Pre & Post Operative Care
As a junior doctor, you will frequently look after patients prior to and after their...
Medical documentation should authentically represent every consultation and is primarily...
Mental Capacity
Mental Capacity
Mental Capacity is the ability to make your own decisions at the time at which the...
Breaking Bad News
Breaking Bad News
As a junior doctor, you will have face situations where you have to convey potentially...
Often one of the scariest things you can do as you will most likely be speaking to...
Handover occurs between shifts to ensure everyone is up to speed with patients. The...
Morbidity & Mortality Meetings
Morbidity & Mortality Meetings
M&M meetings discuss the outcomes of patients and mortality rates, with the view...
Clinical recordings and the Correct Consent
In all specialities of medicine patient clinical recordings, whether this is photographs...
Difficult Colleagues
Dealing with difficult colleagues
This is a tricky area to cover as it can be challenging to us both personally and...
Cannulation is a procedure regularly undertaken which involves threading a plastic...
Death Certificate
Death Certification
After a patient has died you may be asked to complete the death certificate. It may...
Dealing with a complaint
Dealing with a complaint
Everyone will receive a complaint – this is inevitable. Usually, these are...
Understanding Types of Homes
Patients may live or be discharged to a wide variety of social care settings and...

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