Category: Wellbeing

The Holistic Approach to Wellbeing

There’s a myriad of resources out there to help with maintaining your mental well-being, but it can be overwhelming to understand where to start or what to focus on. This article will cover several fundamental aspects that contribute towards well-being, providing you with a basic understanding of various factors that influence mental wellbeing. If you

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Where to go for foundation training?

This article has been written with final year medical students in mind, deciding where to go for foundation training. As an FY2, it is one of the questions I get asked most by medical students. You might already have a clear idea of where they want to be, but if you don’t (or just want

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Wellbeing for FY1’s

As you transition from medical school to your first year as an FY1 doctor, it’s important to recognise the challenges you’ll face and prioritize your well-being. The shift from student to doctor is significant, and maintaining your mental and physical health is crucial for both your personal and professional success. Here are some key insights

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Healthy meal prep

Right, we’ve all been there. You’re starving after finished a long day, have forgotten the shops close at 4pm on Sunday, or simply can’t find the energy to chop onions and garlic in preparation for a set of nights. You want something healthy, filling, quick and easy- that doesn’t break the bank or use 10,000

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How to be happy by practicing Gratitude Journalling!

Gratitude – a strong feeling of appreciation to someone or something for what the person has done to help you. What is gratitude journalling? Gratitude journalling is keeping a record of things for which someone is grateful. This is a popular practice in the field of positive psychology. Why practice gratitude journalling? Burnout and high

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Mind The Bleep: The Podcast

Mental health and well-being are taboo subjects for medical students and doctors, and something which is often not talked about enough. This is surprising, considering there is a higher proportion of doctors reporting stress and burnout compared to other sectors in the general population! According to the BMA in 2022, up to 39% of junior

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Coronavirus and your wellbeing

Covid-19 is taking a huge emotional toll on everyone. The usual work-life balance tips don’t work as well when you can’t go out and everyone’s emotions are on overdrive. Finding ways to support each other and help deal with the situation is incredibly important. 1) It is a marathon, not a sprint.Nobody knows how long this will

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Dealing with difficult colleagues

This is a tricky area to cover as it can be challenging to us both personally and professionally when things don’t go well with a colleague, particularly when we know that this might impact patient care and/or our own mental health. The longer these negative interactions go on, the more likely they are to significantly

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Breaks and Burnout

When I left medical school, I thought my only difficulty would be the actual medicine, which most junior doctors will tell you flies out your head as soon as you walk out of finals (it flies back in when you start working though). I somehow assumed that I would always manage to find ways to

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Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is a topic that has become increasingly prevalent over the past decade with positive changes being made to the junior doctor contract and several initiatives being introduced across the country. But what is a good work-life balance? How can we achieve it? And most importantly, why do we bother attempting to achieve a

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