Category: Paediatrics


The Newborn and Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) or Examination of the Newborn (EON) is performed on every newborn baby within the first 72 hours of life by doctors and midwives. It is a screening tool used to identify congenital anomalies in babies as quickly as possible and make the appropriate referrals if needed. Whilst this

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Neonatal hypoglycaemia

Neonatal hypoglycaemia is defined as blood glucose levels < 2.6mmol/L. It’s a common problem in the first days of life, affecting up to 15% of neonates. It can be due to a variety of reasons, stemming from factors such as maternal diabetes, preterm birth, congenital hyperinsulinism or transient hypoglycaemia of the newborn. Recognising the condition

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ADHD in children

Background ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that begins in childhood, and is formed of the following core features: 1. Inattention: 2. Impulsivity and hyperactivity: In younger children: In school-age children/adolescents: Some individuals may have a predominantly ‘inattentive’ subtype of ADHD, or predominantly ‘impulsivity-hyperactivity’ symptoms. ‘Hyperkinetic disorder’ is a term previously used in ICD-10 but has

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Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy

CMPA is a very common presentation to GP and paediatric assessment units and can cause a lot of parental anxiety. This article talks through different types of CMPA, and how to manage

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Paediatric Respiratory Examination

This article gives a run down of how to perform a thorough paediatric respiratory examination and what signs and symptoms to look for. It will be helpful for anyone on a paeds placement and for MRCPCH examination

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Paediatric IV Fluid Prescribing

Prescribing IV fluids in paediatrics is different to adult medicine and requires a bit more thinking and some maths. This article breaks down prescribing fluid boluses, maintenance fluids, which fluid to use, and gives some examples at the end

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Neonatal Respiratory Physiology

This may seem like a very subspecialist topic but as part of a paeds job as a junior trainee or FY2 you may be expected to cover a neonatal unit and this may involve looking after ventilated babies. In order to understand neonatal ventilation you have to understand the underlying physiology which is what this article is for!

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A Cheat Sheet for Neonatal Invasive Ventilation

Neonatal ventilation is a complex topic but one you may need to get your head around as an FY2 if you cover a NICU as part of your paeds rotation. You should read our article about neonatal respiratory physiology before reading this to help your understanding!

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Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Paediatrics

Paediatric DKA is a common but life threatening paediatric emergency and it is important to be able to recognise the signs and symptoms early to initiate the correct treatment .
The management algorithm can appear complicated at first so this article talks through management step by step with worked examples of fluid calculations

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Autism Spectrum Disorder

Background Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects around 1.76% of school-age children in the UK. Multiple factors have been proposed in the aetiology of ASD, including various biological and psychological factors. Biological factors include: Psychological theories of ASD: ASD is more commonly diagnosed in males, however this may be due to

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