Category: Rheumatology

Inflammatory vs Non-inflammatory Arthritis

A brief guide to help you distinguish between inflammatory and non-inflammatory arthritis in UKLME MCQs. Inflammatory Arthritis Inflammatory arthritis will present with: Joints which have pain, stiffness and swelling. There are many different types of inflammatory arthritis, these include but are not limited to rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and reactive arthritis . Rheumatoid arthritis Typically affects

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There are three joint pain calls you might receive whilst you’re on call or on the wards. We have split them into three articles (with links below) allowing us to expand appropriately for each section. Assessment For those with multiple joint or chronic pain which has flared, the most important distinction is between inflammatory or

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Acutely Swollen Joint

There are three joint pain calls you might receive whilst you’re on call or on the wards. We have split them into three articles (with links below) allowing us to expand appropriately for each section. Assessment When reviewing an acute arthropathy the most important consideration is the exclusion of septic arthritis. This is because prompt

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Back Pain

In this article, we cover the assessment and management of back pain. This article forms part of a series on different types of joint pain presentations: Overview of the Assessment Back pain is incredibly common and usually, no definite anatomical diagnosis is found (non-specific back pain). During your on-call, your focus will be on recognising

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